Fresh green beans in olive oil

Green Beans are a classic in Turkish cooking, when they are in season you will see it almost in every meal anywhere you go. If you eat it in Istanbul there is more sugar in the recipes but if you eat them further south much less. Some cook it with chopped onions some cook it with spring onions.
I will give the recipe of my mother, it took me ages to understand why hers was so special.
After following her step by step I know now it is the touch of her hand. I hope you will like this one.

Ingredients ;
1 kg fresh green beans
2 spoon fulls of sugar
1 bunch of chopped green onions
1 grated tomato
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup water ( this is tricky, if the green beans are juicy you might have to add less water, my suggestion is to start with small amounts and add slowly if necessary )
pinch of salt and black pepper

Peel the beans as on the picture below, on both sides.
Squeeze chopped green onions salt pepper and sugar with your hand in a bowl and when they mix well than add the tomato puree and mix well.
 Place the peeled beans in a pan, top it with the onion mixture, add olive oil and water. Place the pan on the stove bring it to boil on high heat than reduce the heat and cook for 40 more minutes at low heat. Serve luke warm or cold.

It will stay in the fridge for 3 to 5 days. It will taste the best the day after cooking.
Afiyet olsun, bon apetite
