Eggplants in olive oil and citrus juice

Ingredients ;

Before cooking
a bowl full of water
1 spoon flour
1 lemon cut in to 4 pieces
pinch of salt

To Cook
5 – 6 Aubergines
1/4 Cup Virgin Olive Oil
5 - 6 Garlic Cloves
2 Onions
2 Tea Spoons Granulated Sugar
Black Pepper
Grinded Nutmeg
1 cup Orange or tangerine juice

Peel the aubergines and cut them into 4 pieces, to take its bitterness put them in a container with water lemon juice and salt and a spoon full of flour.
Cut the onions in slices, on top of the stove take a pan pour the olive oil and add the onions salt and black pepper than add sugar, after the onions turn transparent place the aubergines on top of them after squeezing the water out of them. Sprinkle  grinded nutmeg on the top add orange juice and cook on the stove with min heat for about 30 min. Cool and serve with fresh parsley or thin slices of dried pepper on top. Afiyet Olsun ( Bon Apetite)
