Madlouka Recipe

Madlouka Recipe

1/3 cup semolina
1 sachet Dream Whip
2 tbsp butter
1 cup milk
1 cup sugar
2 cups ground pistachios
2 sachets Dream Whip whipped with 2 cup milk
Ground pistachios for garnish

  1. Melt butter in a pan over medium heat then add semolina and Dream Whip powder.
  2. Stir to toast evenly.
  3. Add milk and continue stirring until mixture becomes a sticky paste.
  4. Add sugar all at once and continue stirring until it thickens again into a paste.
  5. Remove from heat and add ground pistachios to the pan and mix well to incorporate. Cool.
  6. Spread in a shallow serving dish and top with cream and pistachios.

Recipes related to madlouka:

Muhallabieh | Baklava | Knafeh | Katayef | Nummoora | Znoud Elsit
