Roasted Beef Tenderloin (Sığır Filetosu)

Tenderloin is the tenderest cut of beef. It literally melts in your mouth. I experimented with a small piece (enough for two people) of meat but if you are cooking for a large party, just increase the ingredient amount accordingly. It was plenty for my husband and I. The potatoes and peppers accompanied it very well. I like my meat cooked well so I cooked it well but I know that many people prefer to have a pink hue in the middle. The cooking time can be adjusted to attain that.

You may use leftovers for sandwiches and eat it along a side of plain yogurt. Enjoy!

1 lb beef tenderloin
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
2 tsp red crushed pepper
1 tsp dried mint
For Searing:
2 tbsp olive oil

Mix all ingredients and rub on the tenderloin. Refrigerate over night.

Heat the 2 tbsp olive oil in a non-stick pan. Place the tenderloin and braise 3-4 minutes on each side.
Heat oven to 400º F. Place the pan with the tenderloin and cover with lid or aluminum foil. Roast for about 45 minutes for a well cooked tenderloin.

Reduce cooking time for rare, medium rare, medium or medium well. Enjoy with roasted potatoes and peppers.
