Muhammara Recipe (Red pepper dip)

Muhammara is hot red pepper appetizer which belongs to Gaziantep kitchen. I like hot so it is one of my favourite appetizer and also the king of the table on sunday breakfasts at my home. If you dont like so hot , you can reduce the red pepper amount as your wish..

3 table spoon red pepper flakes
150 gr crushed walnut
2 tb spoon tomato paste
3-4 slices toasted bread
1 lemon juice
olive oil
pomegrnate molasses

In a bowl put red pepper flakes, and wet it with lemon juice, if it is not enough add water.

Use blender to crush walnut and toasted bread together, then add into red pepper, add tomato paste also. Mash and mix all together, add other ingredients. Serve with pita or toasted bread. You can serve it with meat dishes..

Bon appetit..
