Roasted Eggplant Salad Recipe

Eggplant is one of my favourite vegetable. You can use it in various type of dishes. This salad is especially famous in Thrace part of Turkey. Easy to make and delicious dish.. You never goes wrong with this recipe, you can use ingredients as your wish.. Some more ,some less;whatever you do will turn to a nice salad . Enjoy!!
3 eggplants
2 red peppers
1/2 bunch of parsley,finely chopped
2 tomatoes
Olive oil

 Roast eggplants and peppers on a grill, or in oven in 250 degree for 30 min or till they get softern. Roast tomatoes along with eggplants and peppers for only few minutes.
Let them cool, and then peel eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes and chopp well.In a bowl mix eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and parsley. Add vinegar, olive oil, and salt. Mix them all together. Bon appetit...
