Pumpkin Soup with Yogurt

With Autumn and cold weather here, I love making soups.  And as Thanksgiving approaches, I'm already making plans for creative ways to put leftover pumpkin to good use.

Here's a delightful Turkish recipe from The Complete Book of Turkish Cooking by Ghillie Basan where you can introduce a new spin to your old pumpkin recipes.

This simple pureed soup -- Bal Kabagi Corbasi -- is a great winter treat. Pumpkin seller set up their stalls in the streets and deftly peel and seed huge wedges of pumpkin for passers-by... Traditionally, a melted butter is drizzled over the top.  -- Gillie Basan

Serves three to four.


  • 1 kg / 2 1/4 lb prepared pumpkin flesh, cut into cubes
  • 1 litre / 1 3/4 pint / 4 cups chicken stock
  • 10 ml / 2 tsp sugar
  • 25g / 1 oz / 2 tbsp butter, or ghee
  • 60-75 ml / 4-5 tbsp thick and creamy natural (plain) yogurt
  • salt and ground black pepper

Cook's Tip:
If pumpkins are not in season, you can use butternut squash instead.


1) Put the pumpkin cubes into a pan with the stock and bring the liquid to a boil.  Reduce the heat, cover the pan, and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is tender.

2) Liquidize (blend) the soup in a blender, or use a potato masher to mash the flesh.  Return the soup to the pan and bring it to a boil again.  (I love using my hand blender for this, keeping the soup in the pot as I do so.)

3) Add the sugar to the pan and season to taste with salt and pepper.  Keep the pan over a low heat while you gently melt the butter or ghee in a small pan over a low heat.

4) Pour the soup into a tureen, or ladle it into individual serving bowls.  Swirl a little yogurt on to the surface of the soup and drizzle the melted butter over the top.

5) Serve immediately, offering extra yogurt so that you can enjoy the contrasting burst of sweet and tart in each mouthful.

Nutritional Info:
Per portion:
Energy: 97 kcal / 406 kJ
Protein: 2.6 g
Carbohydrates: 9.3 g, of which sugars 8g
Fat: 5.8 g, of which saturates 3.6 g
Cholesterol: 14 mg
Calcium: 104 mg
Fibre: 2.5 g
Sodium: 51 mg
