Rice with Meat in the Oven Recipe

All my family loved it, so delicious rice. Highly recommended :)
You can serve this as main dish.


500 gr beef (cut in small chucks)
2 gl of rice (300-350 gr)
3 tomatoes
1 onion
black pepper

Put some oil into pressure cooker, add meat, cook on high heat till to change color. After, add water till it will cover whole meat, and some salt, close the cooker. Cook 30-35 minutes. Put the rice into hot water for 25 minutes. Add some salt.
On the other hand, cook grated onion & tomatoes with some olive oil, add some black pepper & salt. After meat s cook, remove the water and add into tomato sauce (around 2 glass) and more 2 glass of hot water. Cook until it boils.

On a deep oven pan lay rice, on it meat, and add tomato sauce, it should cover on all the meat and rice. Cook into preheat oven 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

First I havent use all the sauce on it, after I felt the rice still didn't cook, I added more and let it cook more.
Serve warm.

Bon Appétit.
