Banana&Kiwi Cake

Eid Mubarek to all. The Holy Ramadan ended yesterday and today is the first day of Bayram(Eid). Whole month we fasted, stayed away from bad things :) now time to celebrate it. Everybody is out to visit relatives & friends, the children knocking our door for chocolate :) Due to my dad's sickness we will spend the holiday at home, but we have too many guests so I made something to serve for them.
I am not a dessert & baklava person, so fruit cake is the best for me which is light and sweet :)


For the cake
4 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
4 heaping tablespoons flour
Half a cup of cold water
1 package vanilla
1 package of baking powder

for Creamer
3 cup milk
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon of starch
1 cup granulated sugar

1 package cream santis

For the cream, put the ingredients in a pot and cook till it become like custard. Let it cool.

For the cake, mix the eggs & sugar, after add the other ingredients and mix 4-5 minutes more.
Cook it in the preheated oven 180 degrees about 40 minutes.
For santis use the direction on the package.

After the cream got cold, add 3 spoons santis.
When the cake cooked and cooled, divide it (I could just divide 2), all the lines cover with the cream and I put banana & kiwi on it, but you may add whatever you like, and cover it with other cake lines and repeat.
On the cake cover with santis and fruits again, keep it in the fridge at least 1 hour.

Bon Appétit.
