Potato Ravioli (HINGAL)

I am feeling right now that i am in the heaven , while i am tasting potato , butter.. yummy!!
When i was a kid ,we had a neighboor who used to cook "Hingal" , i always loved it , and i felt like i am kid now, the taste the same like she did, her name is Yasemin who was living next door; i have liked her, life is weird, i havent seen her from years , i dont know where she is or what she does, this hingal just made me remember great memories. I guess i am getting old as i started to talk about past:)
She is Circassian , and this Hingal a Circassian food which is also cooked in Cantral Anatolia area of Turkey.
The difference from the usual turkish ravioli is ; hingal bigger than regular turkish ravioli, there are some different shape variations, you can do whatever you like. I used a form that i like.
For the dough;
1,5 gl of all purpose flour (300 gr)
1 egg
1/2 table sp salt
For inside;
2 potato
1 onion
red pepper
black pepper

peel potatos, and cook them till they get soft, other hand with some butter cook sliced onion till they get golden brown. Mash cooked potato and add on the onion, include pepper and salt, cook a few min more and let it cool.
Mix all dough ingredients , knead enough , it shouldnt be soft, open it enough , dont make it so thin, i used my form and cut them circular.

i put the circular dough, add inside some potato mix , and close it. It got nice shape , you can also close yourself but pay attention not them to open.
Wıth the ingredients i used, it is been 16 pieces which is enough for 4 but it is so delicious maybe just 2 may eat all too:)
Boil some water add a bit salt, put the hingals inside , cook for 10 min. Drain it . For the top melt some butter with red pepper and add on the hingals.

Bon appetit..
