Chocolate Soufflé

I know i was away too long, was quite busy week.. Yesterday i felt asleep at 9pm. I think it is because of the all week exhaustion but today morning , i woke up at 7 am as lusty. There is a food competition program in Turkey, yesterday my mum told that a competitor cooked Chocolate Soufflé, she talked about it all evening till i sleep:) i love it but didnt know how to cook , my mum told the recipe, the problem my oven has broken so we went to market today,bought a new oven, new knife set, cake mould, I loved all but the most i liked the cake mould , it is 6 small cake place inside, it s silicosis mould which i learnt new. I know maybe you will think how i am ignorant :) but i am not the one who cook cake always.. when i was a kid my mum was cooking cake and to take it out of mould was really big problem ,it was always sticking it , with this new silicosis mould didnt get it to stick , perfect!!
Tomorrow i have an exam , i suppose to study today , but first i decided to cook Chocolate Soufflé which is easy to cook, soo delicious and will give me too much power to study at least thats what i hope :)
P.S: I got a lot of blog awards ,i am sorry to late to reply, i will do that soon and thank you so much for everyone who think my blog deserve an award!! big kisses.. :)

250 gr bitter chocolate
200 gr butter
70 gr flour all purpose
3 eggs

1/2 table spoon sugar
1 table spoon cacao (for sprinkle to cake mould)
Put butter and chocolate in a bowl and melt with low heat

mix well eggs , flour and sugar, add melted chocolate slowly while you are mixing well..

Lay some butter and sprinkle cacao into mould, put the Soufflé mix, cook 7 min into preheat oven with 250 ° C.

Serve warm , it is good with ice cream.

Bon appetit..
