Mutabbal (Lebanese Eggplant Salad)

I would never think the tahin (crushed sesame seeds) would suit into eggplant with yoghurt and garlic. But it does.. really.. Mutabbal was also one of my favourite dish in Lebanon. I am thinking , after i started this blog, i cooked a lot of variations of the eggplant! it is really good vegetable that you can cook in different and tasty ways. And mutabbal is one of them..

2 large eggplants, about 1 kg
¼ cup lemon juice (as desired)
¼ cup crushed sesame seeds
3 cloves garlic crushed with ½ tbls salt (as desired)
2 tbls parsley, finely chopped
200 gr yoghurt
50 gr mashed chickpeas
Grill eggplants on high heat for 20 minutes after piercing them by a fork on all sides. Turning frequently. After it cooked, peel off skin.Pound to a purée (use a food processor, if available). Mix it with crushed sesame seeds,lemon juice,chickpeas. When mixture is consistent, add garlic, yoghurt and beat mixture well. If thick, adjust by lemon juice and water.Serve it garnished with parsley, red pepper and olive oil.

Bon appetit..
