Chicken Burger (Tavuk koftesi)

Today when i checking some recipes, i saw one fish burger recipe in one of supermarket website, me and my family is not fan of fish so i decided to try this with chicken and you cant guess how much i made a good decision. while i was cooking it, all family came to kitchen to check what is been cooking:)) the smell was good and the taste hmmmmm.... really amazing..

Hope you try and like it too.. i highly reccomend this recipe..

2 chicken fillets
100 g grated cheese
2 slices stale bread
1 onion
1 egg
2 cloves garlic
A tea cup bread crumbs
5-6 parsley
Salt and pepper
For frying oil

Finely chop chicken , you can also ask butcher to make it as mince. Chop well onion, parsley,garlic . wet the bread and after squeeze iy. add all onto chicken ,also cheese and egg, mix well all of it ,add salt and pepper, knead well , form the chickens as burger.. after rolling them with bread crumbs , fry their 2 faces till it get golden brown..

Bon appetit..
