Caput Asi (rice with meat&leaf) Recipe

Çaput aşı rice is belong to Denizli which is a city in Aegean Region in Turkey.
We arent used to eat rice inside meat , it is mostly iranian style as i know but when i was searching about Denizli kitchen, it was surprise for me to find a rice cooked with meat. Actually the thing is belongs to Aegean reagon is grape leaf, when the season the grape leaves grow, people used to cook this rice in Denizli.
In turkish kitchen grape leaf has a special place..


250 gr lamb
2 gl rice
1 onion
10 grape leaves
black pepper

Boil the meats for half an hour till they get softer, then drain.
chop the onion and cook a few min with butter,add meats ,salt and black pepper cook 5 min more, then wash the rice and add on the meat, and add 2 gl of hot water , close the pot's cover, turn down the fire, cook till the water is gone.
from other hand fill a pot water and add some oil , cook leaves 3 min ,and then cut it..
Before the rice cooked, add the leaves and cook it together for sometime.
take it from fire and let it rest 10 min.
when it is ready you can serve it with yoghurt inside garlic..

bon appetit.
