Homemade salty cookie recipe

The cooking all just imagination , you can just mix something that you enjoy to eat and cook it, i bet the taste will be amazing.. as i told yesterday i cooked a cookie with sugar which i have taken the recipe from my friend. actually i am not so fan of desert or foods with sugar , i like salt more,some people need sugar sometimes you know, and i need salt:)) isnt it interesting:)
i just mixed the things i like and the result was so good..

2gl of flour
1/2gl oil
1gl white cheese(can be curd as well)
1/2gl of soda
Fresh basilicum
Black pepper

As i told i just mixed the ingredients i enjoy to eat like basil , drill,cheese..i put sode because i have read somewhere it boom to dough:)so mix all ingredients, knead the dough some min, and make small balls from dough, i open small hole with my finger, also you can use ready tablets for nice shapes.. and put some oil in a tray and lay your dough balls ,and send it to oven, cook for 25min with 150degree, and it is ready..
Bon appetit...
