Gnocchi with tomato & vegetable sauce Recipe -Italian kitchen

Today i cooked gnocchi which s light,tasty food and also easy to cook.. if u like potato as much as me, this dish will be one of your favourite..

Ingredients (serves 4)

4 medium size potatos
1 egg(yellow part)
2 full spoon flour

Tomato & vegetable sauce
2 tbs olive oil
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1 carrots, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
4 medium size tomato
black pepper

Boil the potatoes until soft in the center when pierced with a small knife. Remove from the water and when cool enough to handle, slip the skins off the potatoes. Put the potatoes, egg,flour, salt in a bowl and mash together with your hands.After a minute or two it will form into a dough. Knead lightly. When it reaches a pliable consistency, it's ready.Sprinkle the surface with flour. Slice a fist sized piece from the dough ball and roll out into lengths that are about 3 centimetres thick.Working quickly while the dough is still warm, use a flexible knife to cut off 2 centimetre pieces. Slice off another fist sized piece and repeat until you have used all of the dough. Place the gnocchi onto a tray, leaving a space between each piece to prevent them from sticking together. After boil water and put some salt and add your gnocchies. boil 2-3 min .Scoop them out with a sieve, shake off the water and transfer them to a tray.
To make the tomato & vegetable sauce, heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion, carrot, garlic and cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until the vegetables soften. after add tomatos, salt,black pepper and basillicum, and cook around 25 min..
and it s ready.
put the tomato&vegetable souces on to your ready gnocchis and put some parmesan and serve.
bon appetit..
