Batata Harra

Batata harra "spicy potatoes" is a Lebanese vegetable dish mainly consisting of potatoes, red peppers, coriander, chili, and garlic which are all fried together in olive oil. Batata Harra is usually served as mezze (appetizer).

Ingredients - Batata Harra:
  • Potatoes - 3 (peeled and julienned)
  • Onion - 2 table spoon (finely chopped)
  • Garlic - 1 teaspoon (minced)
  • Red Pepper - 1 or 2
  • Green chillies - 2-3 (cut finely)
  • Cilantro or Fresh Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup (finely chopped)
  • Coriander powder - 3 pinches
  • Pepper - 2 pinches
  • Salt - To taste
  • Olive oil - for saute (3 table spoon)
  • Oil - Any vegetable oil for frying
  • Lime juice - 1/2 teaspoon
Preparation - Batata Harra:
  • Heat oil and fry Potatoes until crisp.
  • Set it on a paper towel to drain the oil.
  • In another pan heat Olive oil then add Onions, Garlic, Red Pepper, Green chillies, Coriander powder and Cilantro and saute, finally add Potatoes and Salt and Pepper.
  • Mix well and add lime juice.
  • Serve Immediately.
See More Middle Eastern Mezze Recipes:
