Cucumber Gimlet

This refreshing cocktail is perfect for summer. I had seen this recipe at Bon Appetit, and the picture grabbed me instantly:)

I have tried it with vodka instead. But it is much better with gin although I'm not much of a gin drinker.

And I add a little bit more lime juice, this way I can use less sugar which tastes better to me.

Be careful as this is really potent if you drink too much, and it is easy to drink a lot because it is refreshing:)



2 large cucumbers (1 1/2 pounds total)
1/2 cup gin
4 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup ice cubes
4 lime slices

Slice four 1/4-inch-thick slices from 1 cucumber. Peel and coarsely chop remaining cucumbers; transfer to processor and puree until smooth. Pour through fine strainer set over large bowl, pressing on solids in strainer. Discard solids in strainer.

Mix 1 cup cucumber juice, gin, lime juice, and sugar in pitcher; stir until sugar dissolves. Add ice; mix well. Immediately strain mixture into 4 small Martini glasses. Garnish with lime and cucumber slices and serve.

Makes 4 servings.
